Some time back I, like a number of my Algoa compatriots,
decided to start the Competent Communicator manual again.
I decided this time to try to turn each of the manual
speeches into an educational so that I was not only doing the speech, but also
using it as a way to teach some of the skills I had learned to others in the
club. What follows contains some of what I learned along the way.
I am sure you are all aware of the research that has been
done about how communicators convey their message:
- Only about 7% of the meaning of a spoken message is conveyed via the actual words
- 38 % of the meaning of that message is conveyed via one’s tone of voice; and
- 55% of the total meaning is conveyed via body language.
Add to those statistics the saying that one never gets a
second chance to make a first impression and you will realise just how
important body language is.

Men; dress for the occasion in a dark suit – or at least in a
jacket and tie. Neutral, dark colours are good with a contrasting tie – but not
a comic one. Ladies: don’t draw attention to yourself by wearing outrageous
styles, like too-high shoes or too-short skirts. Avoid wearing jewellery that
rattles or blings.
Sloppy, casual wear sends out the message that you don’t
care enough for your audience to have dressed properly. Ultimately, you do not
want your audience to lose your message while they are staring at your outfit.
One is often nervous to stand in front of an audience. That
is not a problem, as long as your nervousness is not evident and you are able
to project confidence.
Firstly, be aware of the tell-tale signs of nervousness,
like hands clasped in front of you; in the fig leaf or reversed fig leaf
position. Other signs include: grabbing hold of the lectern, standing with your
legs crossed or playing repetitively with your hair, jewellery, coins or keys
in a pocket; or clicking a pen.
Show confidence in the following ways:
• Stand
squarely with your feet slightly apart and pointing forward
• Breathe
from your abdomen – not your throat
• Smile – you
will win your audience over
• Make eye
contact with the whole room – if that is possible
• Use open gestures –not tight ones
close to your body; otherwise, allow them to rest naturally at your sides.
Even if you don’t feel confident initially, by using a
confident stance you will soon relax into your presentation – and before you
know if, the nervousness will actually have gone.
Movement is something natural and usually enhances a
presentation as long as that movement is not distracting. Watch out for
repetitive pacing, rocking or rising to the balls of your feet.
What is important is to let your body mirror your feelings
and the content of your speech. Most gestures are spontaneous, but there are
times when you will want to add emphasis to what you are saying. Look at three
such areas:
Symbolic Gestures
communicate words, numbers, or position.
• A raised
hand signals for a stop
• A thumbs-up
showing you agree
• Three
fingers for the number three
• Pointing to
show a position – up, down, behind, beside
Descriptive Gestures
communicate an idea or movement.
• Spreading
hands apart to show length
• Using hands
to show a shape.
• Swaying
hands to show a flow of movement.
Emotional Gestures
suggest feelings.
• A clenched fist to show anger. It is
hostile and threatening. It could also
convey the sense you are hiding something.
• Hands
clasped to show pleading.
• Using a pointed finger. This makes you look accusatory, even if that
wasn't your intent.
Your face is your most obvious means of communicating the
emotion of your message and your audience will read meaning in your
expressions. Ensure that they enhance what you are saying. You can’t tell about
witnessing a horrific fire with many casualties while you have a smile on your
face – your audience will be confused and you will come across as insincere.
Ultimately, we are all in the business of reading body
language, whether we are aware of it or not. We make snap judgements about
people the very first time we see them, even if we have not heard them speak –
this is because of the way they dress and the impression they make on us when
we first become aware of them.

This past weekend saw a gathering of our Division in
Grahamstown for WinterCon and I am
sure Glenis Whitehead will be
telling us all more about it in her newsletter.
I want to remind you all about the Club Humorous and Impromptu Speech
Contest on 27 August. Mike Brosnahan, who will be the Contest
Chairman, will be in touch with you all soon with details. Please consider competing; it is a wonderful
Until next time
Ricky Woods