The evening started with the Induction of Gcobisa Makubalo into the club. Welcome Gcobisa!!!
Mike Brosnahan as Toastmaster – appropriately chose Madiba quotes as the theme for the meeting. When it came to Table Topics Angie Kivido had prepared extracts of famous Madiba speeches for us to speak about. Something we were all able to do with ease! Once again a mix of speeches with many tying back to Madiba. Andrew Mthethwa giving an extremely polished CC3 on Values, followed by an inspiring speech by Megan Judd. A welcome return by Mimi Makupula with an after dinner speech - appropriately filling us in on what she has been up to over the last 11 months. And then a heart-wrenchingly, honest speech from Marlene van Wyk, on how an Afrikaner looks back at the impact that Madiba had on her at the time when South Africa moved into a democracy. There was not a dry eye in the room by the time she had finished. This was followed by a prepared reading about Christmas from Glenis Whitehead providing some much needed cheer. All in all an extremely interesting, albeit emotional, evening.
Congratulations to Glenis Whitehead and Louis Erasmus on a tie for the Best Table Topics on the evening. We would like to congratulate Ricky Woods on being unanimously elected as the new President of the Club – a position vacated by Alison’s move to Durban.
A BIG thank you to Alison Immelman for her contribution to the club and best wishes for her new venture in Durban.
And last – but not least – wishing everyone a really good festive season with lots of family, friend, fun and food filled times!!!
See you in 2014
Your interim blogger