Toastmasters Club Meeting: 12 July 2016
The Algoa Toastmasters held another amazing
meeting last week:
Warren did an outstanding job as the
Toastmaster for the evening. He truly made the evening “gaiety”
Table Topics Sessions:
Stephenson is an avid hiker who enjoys trails, nature
and the outdoors and she took us through one of her hiking trips via Table
Topics. This brought up a range of funny topics varying from hiking boots, blue
skies, bible verses and others I shall not mention (parental guidance advised).
Prepared Speeches
· Waven
Korkie (CC6) on “Are You Going Fast or Slow”
teaching us that everything is about process and the process leads us to who we
need to become.
· Mimi
Makupula (ASC6) spoke about “Fat” sharing that we are
the host of our souls regardless of body or colour and that the body is
the house.
· Nicholas
Mitchell (Repeating CC1) spoke about “Learning One
Step At A time” citing Aristotle “Knowledge of self is the beginning of

Best Table Topics: Denise Pudney
Top Toastie: Angela Rogers
Nicholas concluded his speech by saying “I am
a working progress”
We are all a working progress at Algoa
Be Blessed
Zanele Hartmann