Well done to the stalwarts who came out – especially the women who might well have pleaded a much-deserved day of rest. Perhaps the truth is that Algoa is a rest cure all of its own!
We were glad to welcome another bunch (of roses ... geddit?) of guests. We were especially thrilled to have Megan Judd with us. We wonder if she’s just sussing out the turf to take our great vibe back to her own club??

We were just as glad to welcome back George Gerber and Jessamy Kromhout. We hear that Jessamy has already paid her dues and will be inducted in September. She has already proved her worth in her involvement in the Collegiate YL courses.
Also among our guests was Julie Truter, who was sussing out the situation for her training company staff. She told us that she could feel that we would have their interests at heart. It was also good to have speechcrafters Helen Wilson and Merle Terine with us. They are both teachers at Grey Junior.

Glenis on 12th
Mark Barry on 16th, and
Leann on 21st August.
President Colleen Love reminded us of the motto for this year: “To grow people”, and that, of course, is why we share the roles at a TM meeting. We like as many people as possible to participate
because different voices allow for a feeling of change and learning

Remember to check out the TMI website on 17 August. The new logo will be launched. Tell them/us what you think!
Sadly, fees have gone up $18 a year. This sounds like a lot, but equates to less than 5% per year since the last increase in 2005. Unfortunately, the club will not be able to absorb this increase. It will mean an increase of just more than R10 per month. Not much when you think of how TM “grows” you!
Mark Barry played the role of Toastmaster tonight. He teaches IT at Vic Park, and in his spare time he is a triathlon champ. He tells us that he has two first names because he is of Irish descent. It’s also the reason that he didn’t focus on women as his theme, as every meeting in the land would be doing this, and the Irish like to do things differently.
Instead, he chose to play the Name Game. Mark claims to be very warlike because Barry means “spear thrower”.
Other roleplayers for the evening included Liandra (brave as a lion/steadfast) Schoultz as timekeeper. Her name also suggests that she stands for the truth (even as a lawyer?!) Liandra is one of our newest Algoans, and she is keen to learn everything that being a TM involves. Well done girl!
Um and ah counter was Louise Solomons (famous in battle/protector/helpful and vigilant). She says the role tests her listening skills – even though famous politicians are guilty. She would love to say to our leaders: “Say what you want to say!”
Grammarian for the evening was Glenis (dweller in the valley/glen – fruitfulness and generosity; Also pure!) She set us the challenging word “ACUMEN” as word of the day. This means keenness/shrewdness. Keen we do well; shrewd, not so much, as only 5 members used the word.
The Table Topics were conducted by Annette (grace has been given to you) Lovemore. She chose the pertinent theme of quotations by or about women, with some pithy words from the “bear of little brain” thrown in for good measure.
Some of the thought-provoking quotes included:
“Women have so much power that luckily the law has given them very little.” “A woman’s chief excitement is spotting women who are slimmer than she is.” – but as Louise Solomons suggested, we should surely look at the woman of substance because every woman is beautiful “No-one can make you feel inferior without your permission” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“There should be a special hell for women who don’t help other women”, and Louise Erasmus suggested that we should add – or men!!! She posed the philosophical questions, that since we live in a me-centred society, is it perhaps hell that we are living in now? “Don’t compromise yourself – you’re all you’ve got.” – Janis Joplin
“Nothing is more effective than the education of girls” – Kofi Anan. It behoves us to educate young – and we will have a better society, because, after all, men run the place, but women run the men!
And some from the bear and friends:
“The nicest thing about the rain is that it stops – eventually!” – Eeyore
No matter how big you are, you still need a little care.” – Winnie the Pooh. Wouldn’t it be nice if we
didn’t reject people just because they’re the wrong shape?
Mark’s closing words were that we need to discover that “Ness” inside us – the little spark that makes us, us. Annette added that the upside is that then we never have to explain our foibles – she could just say it’s her “Annetteness”.
“Women speak two languages – one of which is verbal” – Shakespeare
Two members did speeches tonight:
Rhona Murchie (wise ruler/powerful adviser) did her CC6, illustrating vocal variety, entitled “Once upon a Time”
She suggested that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm should have written the “Grim” Fairytales because some are macabre indeed. What an inspired topic to illustrate vocal variety – imagine being lucky enough to be a child in Rhona’s class. Methinks the profession is lucky to have this consummate story teller in the classroom.
Nicolas Mitchell (victory of the people, from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory) did his AC 25!! – presenting a report – entitled “Putting Grandma to Rest”. He took the scary out of the legality of conveyancing! Thank goodness there are people like Nicholas! Remember that when you’re this situation, Nicholas is not the enemy!
Tanja Guass ( little queen – called to be a daughter of the king) gave us the toast of the day to Women – to those who marched in 1956, but also to the special woman in our lives – those that we so often take for granted.
Past president conducted the educational from “the successful club” manual. She reminded us that practice truly does make perfect, and that we should also use our TM skills outside the club to sharpen our skills. Once you’ve done your CC10, then what? All projects stretch our skills in speaking and leadership. There are 10 regions in America, and 4 for the rest of the world!! Regions are divided into districts – (we are 74) – then divisions.
We now have 43 members!!!! – This is because of our involvement in area and district and division involvement.
Members are encouraged to go to the district conference. You will always learn something.
The meeting closed with our usual awards. Tonight’s Table Topics winner was Louise Erasmus, who told us that we’d be surprised what happens in a girls’ school.
The Top Toastie award went to someone who works quietly in the background enabling us to step out of our comfort zones: Leann Roos. Thanks Leann!
Our next meeting, on 23 August, will be the Next meeting – humorous speech contest. There will be 9 contestants – come along and support them!!
Love is in the air – congrats go to Quinton Jacobs who has become engaged to Karien! We approve!
P.S. Mea culpa – I promoted Glenis in the last blog, calling her Division Governor, whereas she is in fact the Governor of Area E2. Next year, Glenis. No pressure!
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