Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Doing it Differently - 10 May 2011

Despite the chill in the air, the atmosphere was cheerful and convivial as we gathered in the Caritas Centre once again.

We were delighted that Jason George chose to visit us again, and also welcomed Nolitha Gowana as a guest. This was followed by the induction of Belita von Steiger as a club member.

Placxedes Ndhlovu and Marlene van Wyk received wishes for a happy birthday on 24 May!

President Glenis reminded everyone of our AGM on 24 May, and that nominations were still open for our executive in 2011/2012. Another date to remember is our Installation Dinner on 10 June at The Victorian in Union Road, Walmer. This promises to be an entertaining evening.

Speakers and role-bearers were reminded to complete their record of assignments at the back of the CC or CL manual, and to give them to our VP Ed, Colleen, to sign.

Our Toastmaster for the evening, Tom Horne, took us smoothly through the evening. Topicmaster Alison Immelman chose “Doing it differently” as her theme, and promptly did just exactly that, by starting the Table Topics session with the President! Members were asked to explain how they would do everyday tasks, such as walking the dog, differently. The winner of the Best Table Topics award was, for the second consecutive meeting, Tom Horne.

Top Toastie award went to Marlene for doing so well as Area Governor and also for giving an excellent evaluation to Mark Barry immediately after he had spoken, as he had to leave early.

Belita thereafter took the plunge and “broke the ice” with her CC1 speech, “Why am I here?” Rhona Murchie (CC5) entertained us with a hilarious description of getting rid of spiders and other objectionable creatures for her daughter, Reinhardt Botha gave another masterful display of using Powerpoint with his CC8 speech and “Show me!” which opened with an invitation, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine!” Mark Barry presented his CC9 (Persuade with Power) speech on “The uncut diamond” and Nicholas Mitchell bravely answered some rather hostile questions from “employees” after his AC24 advanced speech on “Office Flexibility”.

YOU BE THE JUDGE: When giving his evaluation of Reinhardt’s speech, Thomas Duthie idly wondered whether the C ontrast, R epetition, A lignment and P roximity Reinhardt had spoken about was an acrostic. Some English experts thought it was an acronym and it was also suggested that it was a mnemonic. This caused some heated debate!
Dictionary.com says an acronym is “ A word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words such as OPEC from Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries”
An acrostic is “ a series of lines or verses in which the first, last, or other particular letters when taken in order spell out a word, phrase, etc.”
A mnemonic something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.

General Evaluator Michael Warren wrapped up the evening by reminding us yet again to be more careful of our use of time, as non-adherence to the allocated time can extend the meetings unnecessarily.

The meeting closed with a clap of thunder and soon after the heavens opened, but members very diligently cleared the tables and a few stayed on to tidy up the glasses, etc. Thank you very much!

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